Sunday, December 20, 2009


We went to see the new movie Up In the Air yesterday afternoon. A fitting movie title for my present travel situation. George Clooney plays a guy who flies from city to city firing people, lives out of his suitcase, and fears nothing but the idea of settling down. Having few possessions is certainly an exciting and liberating experience, but not a lifestyle I would want for the rest of my life. I have no idea how the upcoming year will affect future life decisions, but I do know that being a father is something I have always wanted followed closely by being a husband, and those are hard things to accomplish if one is constantly in transition. Up In the Air is food for thought for anyone who is unmarried and trying to figure out what comes next. Alisha and I made squash soup in the afternoon and ate that for dinner. Campbell's watch out, it was mmm, mmm, good! Today is football and cheesesteak day, and I should be able to leave for Rochester tomorrow. Two days delayed, but more relaxed for it. Philly has been fun, but Rochester is still the finish line. Time to break the tape!

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