Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 5: Cajun Country

And God looked down upon the weary traveler and said, "Let there be Wind and Rain!" Water seemed to be coming at him from all directions, but this time the man was prepared. He shouted defiantly up to the sky, "I am not afraid! You may control the heavens, but I live here on Earth." As lightning lit the black sky the man began to laugh uncontrollably, claps of thunder mocking him from above. The enduring traveler, smiling a wry smile, exclaimed, "I would rather die laughing than live another day in fear!" -The Book of Ian 12:11


  1. these are the kind of days that define us. we had somewhat similar days today. thanks for yelling at the skies...i just gave it the finger....together i think we got our point across! still standing/riding. glad to know i'm not in it alone:)
