Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 4: Stayin' Put

My friend in Houston is stuck at an airport so I decided to stay in Austin for another day. Changed the oil on my bike, topped off the brake fluid, and cleaned her up a bit so when I roll in to New Orleans tomorrow Bonnie will surely turn some heads! Austin is a fun city, with lots of creative people, great restaurants, and is well known for it's live music scene. If you're in town, check out the 24 Diner on Lamar Street...a great take on classic comfort foods. I had the Chili with cornbread and a Cheddar Burger with Mac and Cheese. We went shopping and I got my first ever pair of cowboy boots! The only thing I will buy on this trip, but well worth it considering these things should last forever (see picture). It's really nice to have a brief respite from the road. I'm actually surprised at how few aches and pains I have considering I rode for eleven hours yesterday. It seems the cold is my true nemesis, so I got another pair of gloves at REI, and a pair of gators (sp?) to keep my feet dry and warm. Back on the road tomorrow for the long drive to Cajun country. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, sweets!
    I think about you every day and send w a r m thoughts through cyberspace and beyond. Just take care, my sweets!
    Much love,
    Aunt Eileen
